With an eye toward 2030, Shimizu is aiming to become one of East Japan's hubs for cruises servicing Northeast Asia.
Hinode Wharf will be redeveloped so multiple ships can dock simultaneously - those from companies that have special agreements with the port as well as those which do not. Its existing terminal will also be renovated and extended to provide CIQ (customs, immigration, and quarantine) so that ships can make Shimizu the first or last port of their journey.
This illustration shows that two cruise ships up to 150,000 GT/410m length/-12m draft will be able to dock simultaneously at Hinode Wharf.
緑地のイメージ図。An illustration of the green space.
Also, a new Marine and Earth Sciences Museum (*name not finalized) will be built at Shimizu Port. For more details, please look at the pamphlets below (Japanese/English):
海洋地球総合ミュージアムチラシedit.pdf パンフレット(日本語)
Museum Pamphlet Eng.pdf Pamphlet (English)