Located just a 10min walk away, the closest shopping center to Shimizu Port is called S-Pulse Dream Plaza.
Shops and restaurants that are popular with cruise passengers and crew are as follows:
新館 Annex Buildings
ユニクロ UNIQLO (clothing/accessories)
ABC MART (shoes/sandals)
1F フード&レストラン Food & Restaurants
駿河みやげ横丁 Suruga Souvenir Alley (largest selection of local souvenirs in entire prefecture)
カルディコーヒーファーム KALDI Coffee Farm (foreign foods/sundries)
酒蔵屋 Sakakura-ya (liquor, including Japanese sake)
国道側デッキ Streetside Deck
美容室サンク CINQ Salon (haircuts, spa)
2F ショップ&レストラン
マクドナルド McDonald's (fast food)
キディランド Kiddy Landy (character goods)
Timeless Tender Japan (Japanese housewares, interior goods)
CRAFT MARKET (handmade housewares, accessories)
tips/tips GARAGE (housewares/American housewares)
3F アミューズメント&ミュージアム Amusement
ちびまる子ちゃんランド Chibi Maruko-chan Land (museum/shop)
4F MOVIX (movie theater)