当誘致委員会創設以来 30年余 会長を務められた 望月 薫 会長が かねてより病気療養中のところ 1月13日 永眠されました
謹んで 哀悼の意を 表します
It is with great sadness that we report that Mochizuki Kaoru, chairman of the Shimizu Port Passenger Ships Promotion Committee for the past 30 years, passed away on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021. He had been receiving treatment for illnesses for some time before that.
Thank you, Chairman Mochizuki, for your decades of dedication to promoting Shimizu Port both in Japan and abroad. You will be greatly missed, and we will continue to build upon your contributions.
Below, please find a video featuring Chairman Mochizuki.
※会長インタビューのみ音声が流れます Sound plays only during interview with Chairman Mochizuki.