場 所 : 蒲原生涯学習交流館 1階 展示コーナー
Location: Kambara Lifelong Learning Center, 1st Floor Exhibition Corner
期 間 : 令和3年2月24日(水) ~ 令和3年3月14日(日) ※休館日の3月7日(日)を除く
Period: Wed. Feb. 24 to Sun. March 14, 2021 (not open Sun. March 7)
その他 : 新型コロナウイルス感染予防のため、展示コーナー内における社会的距離の確保の徹底にご協力ください。
Important: In order to prevent transmission of the novel coronavirus, please remember to exercise social distancing when visiting the display corner. Also, please refrain from visiting in any of the following cases:
- If you have a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius or 1 degree Celsius higher than your usual temperature
- If you have difficulty breathing or heavy fatigue. Even if your symptoms are mild, if you have a cough, sore throat, or headache
- If you suspect that any of your family members or close associates have been infected
- If, within the last 14 days, you visited or transited through a country or region in which infection is spreading, or you have been in close contact with someone who has
Please see the following for information on the Kambara Lifelong Learning Center:
We would like to offer our gratitude to Mr. Toshihide Mochizuki and Mr. Yoshimitsu Mochizuki, the official photographers of the Shimizu Port Passenger Ships Promotion Committee, for their efforts in bringing this exhibition to fruition.